Our Mission

Women’s Plans Foundation is a charitable trust raising funds for family planning as an integral part of overseas aid programs. Family planning reduces maternal and child mortality and empowers women and families. WPF’s unique contribution is to ensure that family planning is an embodied part of health programs, mainstreaming contraception.

The Crisis of Unmet Family Planning Needs

Access to contraception and family planning empowers individuals and communities, fostering positive outcomes such as planned pregnancies and education.

girl sits in park on phone

164 Million

women globally have an unmet need for family planning. (Source: World Family Planning, 2022)

young school student stares directly at camera

21 Million

adolescent girls (15-19) fall pregnant each year. 
12 million give birth. (Source: World Family Planning, 2022)

Our Vision

For all women and girls in developing countries in the Asia Pacific region to have the right to choose, and have access to modern contraception and family planning.

woman holds baby

Our Mission Statement

To raise funds for family planning as an integral part of overseas aid programs whilst simultaneously advocating for family planning and contraception to be mainstreamed in overseas aid programs

Young mother holds baby smiling

Our Purpose

To improve women’s and girls’ sexual, reproductive and maternal health and infant health through family planning, as a means to:

  • Improve women's and girls’ educational opportunities;

  • Improve women's and girls’ economic independence;

  • Support environmental sustainability, and;

  • Promote gender equality

young school girls sit smiling

Our Impact

We believe in the power of grants to empower change. See how our grants have improved lives across the Asia Pacific.

$1+ Million in Grants

Provided since 2004

8 Countries Reached

Including Cambodia, Lao PDR, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Fiji and Solomon Islands.

9 Organisations Supported

Save the children logo
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Help us transform lives

Even a small donation can substantially boost health and educational outcomes for girls and women in the Asia Pacific region.

Family planning has cascading benefits

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Better Health Outcomes

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Better Educational Outcomes

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Better Economic Outcomes & Reduced Poverty

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Adaptability in the face of Natural Disasters
and Climate Change

The most fundamental way we can give is to share our ability to plan, and to live within our planet. Population levels should be decided by women’s choice, not by disaster. In Southeast Asia, an area of rapid growth, there is, naturally, a high population of young people, many culturally preset to aim for large families.

Women’s Plans Foundation exists to empower women by enabling us to manage our fertility, delighting in the children we are ready for, also finding space for pursuits in education, careers, and joining in the decision-making processes of our world.

Millions of women are now bearing children they struggle to feed, educate and socialise. Childbearing should not be overbearing because of gendered pressures, and the size of the next generation mustn’t overwhelm aid gains made.

Advances in contraception should be accessible everywhere, and we need to share with our neighbours in the Pacific and southeast Asia, actually reducing maternal health costs. Implants and digital information are the next wave in contraception, allowing girls to finish school and women to lead truly productive lives, becoming part of the decision-making process in truly civil societies.

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Better Health Outcomes

Access to family planning and contraceptives brings about a wide spectrum of positive health outcomes, key among them being:

woman holding baby

Reduced Maternal Mortality

By preventing unintended pregnancies and enabling safe pregnancy spacing, the risk of maternal deaths decreases.

baby feet in parents hands

Improved Infant and Child Health

Planned and spaced pregnancies contribute to higher birth weights and lower infant mortality rates.

women smiling and embracing

Improved Mental Health

The empowerment to make informed reproductive choices can enhance mental well-being and reduce anxiety.

pregnant belly

Avoidance of Pregnancy-Related Health Complications

Women gain from fewer pregnancy-related health complications and quicker postpartum recovery.

hands injecting medical needle

Chronic Health Condition Management

Planning pregnancies allows for better management of chronic conditions (such as diabetes, hypertension & heart diseases), benefiting both mother and baby.

contraceptive methods

Prevention of HIV/AIDS and STIs

Contraceptives, especially condoms, are vital in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

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Better Economic Outcomes & Reduced Poverty

Access to family planning and contraception significantly contributes to better economic outcomes and a reduction in poverty through several key pathways:

woman working in market

Increased Workforce Participation

The ability for women to plan and space their pregnancies correlates strongly with increased participation in the workforce. This not only enhances individual family incomes but also stimulates broader economic growth.

woman looking towards future

Higher Earnings and Economic Independence

Delaying pregnancy allows women more opportunities for education and career advancement, leading to higher earnings. Economic independence is vital for women's empowerment, directly impacting the financial health of families and communities.

mother and son look at camera

Reduced Healthcare Costs

Family planning aids in preventing unintended pregnancies and improving health outcomes for mothers and children, thereby reducing healthcare costs. This reduction allows for more efficient use of healthcare resources and can liberate funds for other essential services.

male and female college graduates look at camera

Social Stability and Reduced Gender Inequality

By empowering women with choices regarding their reproductive health, family planning plays a critical role in reducing gender inequality and promoting social stability, both of which are foundational to economic development.

young girl looks at camera

Reduction in Child and Dependent Poverty

Families able to plan the number and spacing of their children can better allocate resources, ensuring adequate nutrition, healthcare, and education for each child, which in turn can break cycles of poverty.

woman running market stall

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Women who have control over their reproductive decisions are more likely to pursue entrepreneurship and innovation, driving economic development

young school girl smiles at camera

Economic Growth at the National Level

Effective family planning can lead to a demographic dividend, where the proportion of the working-age population is higher than the non-working-age share of the population, fostering conditions ripe for economic growth.

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Better Educational Outcomes

Access to family planning and contraception is a cornerstone in enhancing educational outcomes for girls and young women. By providing young girls with the means to prevent unintended pregnancies, we pave the way for more girls to stay in school and achieve their educational aspirations. Here’s how family planning contributes to better educational outcomes:

young girl on phone in park

Enhancing Empowerment, Autonomy, and Motivation

When a girl has control over her reproductive rights, she is more likely to achieve her educational and career goals.

kids playing in schoolgrounds

Healthier Educational Environments

Promoting and supporting access to reproductive health services within educational settings fosters healthier, more inclusive environments.

young girl receiving undergraduate certificate

Improving Academic Performance

Contraception and family planning provides security and stability, meaning, girls are less likely to experience the educational disruptions caused by unintended pregnancies. This stability is crucial for maintaining focus on academic pursuits and achieving higher academic performance.

young girl studying

Increased Educational Opportunities

Family planning empowers girls and young women to make informed decisions about their futures, including the timing of childbearing. This autonomy allows them to complete their education and enter the workforce with higher qualifications, opening up a wider array of career opportunities and contributing to their economic independence.

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Adaptability in the face of Natural Disasters and Climate Change

Access to family planning and contraception is increasingly recognised as a critical component of resilience and adaptation strategies in the face of natural disasters and climate change.

woman at market with baby

Reduced Pressure on Resources

Access to family planning helps mitigate the strain on resources like water and food, which are increasingly scarce in climate-change / natural-affected regions. By moderating population growth, communities can better manage and distribute these limited resources.

tiny feet in parents hands

Enhanced Women's Health and Safety

During disasters, pregnant women and newborns face heightened risks of health complications and violence. Family planning allows them to avoid unintended pregnancies in such turbulent times, safeguarding their health and well-being.

woman running own business in market

Improved Economic Resilience

By empowering women with choices regarding their reproductive health, family planning plays a critical role in reducing gender inequality and promoting social stability, both of which are foundational to economic development.

young kids smile at camera

Better Outcomes for Children

By empowering women with choices regarding their reproductive health, family planning plays a critical role in reducing gender inequality and promoting social stability, both of which are foundational to economic development.

person with traditional war paint on looks ahead

Strengthened Community Resilience

By empowering women with choices regarding their reproductive health, family planning plays a critical role in reducing gender inequality and promoting social stability, both of which are foundational to economic development.